Introducing TimeSlice® TimeSlice starts where TimeTracker left off. Many people have asked for more features. TimeSlice has them: • Fat Binary (native code for both 68K and Power Mac computers) • Client/Job Number column. • Stop Date column. • Improved preferences. • Client/Project/Category list is file specific. • In-line text editing (without having to go to the Edit window). • Pop-up menu for selecting Client/Project/Category list. • Auto-Link other applications to TimeSlice documents. • Sort time records same way as with the Finder (click on the column name). • Enhanced Speech manager functions. • Assign colors to time records. • Mark Special has additional features. • Set Budget has additional features. • Export has additional features. • Print has additional features • Print preview. • And much more… As you can see from this list, TimeSlice can be thought of as a “TimeTracker Pro”. For more information on TimeSlice, contact Maui Software, or download a full working demo from